

Let NikoNikoLog be the barometer for your heart.

How were feeling you this morning?

How were you feeling a little while ago?

How are you doing now?




Keep a log of your moods and emotions!

Leave your comments. NikoNikoLog can be used as your diary.

This week?

This month?

Last month?

Let’s track back using the NikoNiko Calendar.

Do you mostly feel good? That’s excellent!

Do you mostly feel so-so? That’s fine, too.

Do you have many bad days? Oh, no. You are in trouble!

The NikoNiko Log visualizes your feelings.

Download user guide

The comment cannot be input with NikoNikoLog Lite.

Please buy NikoNikoLog of a pay version when it enters one's comments and you want to use it as a diary.


ニコニコTシャツ-001 nikoniko_mug_good nikoniko_mug_so-so nikoniko_mug_bad